Thursday, July 29, 2010

Etsy Craft Night

As many of you probably already know, every Monday Etsy hosts a craft night broadcast live in their Virtual Lab.  They of course are streaming live from DUMBO (a neighborhood in Brooklyn- Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass- which it literally is).  So a perk of living in Brooklyn, is I finally had the time to go.  And now my picture is on their website!

Cupcake Craft Night
See it on their page here

I'm on the right, blocking Claire, and that's her boyfriend in the green shirt.  Claire is awesome.  I not-met her at the WWKIP Day Event (I was so busy running around that I didn't get to meet anyone there) but then actually met her at La Casita's 6 month anniversary party.  She's interning at SoHo Publishing (ahem Vogue, Sixth & Spring- ring a bell?), writing a blog about her city adventures and is dorming where I stayed when I did my internship with the NYCDOE so we had lots to talk about that night.  We've been saying we were going to go to a Craft Night for weeks but couldn't get it arranged due to other commitments but it finally worked out.

The theme for the night was "cupcakes" because the night was hosted by Cupcakes Take the Cake, a blog about, well, cupcakes.  I only had time for one craft because I had another commitment after (of course, right?) so we made felted cupcake pins.  Here's mine:

They're made using store-bought felt and pieces of roving.  Then you fit your felt base around a bottle cap or jar lid.  I had to use a jar lid because I made that candle a little tooooooo big I think :o)

Soooo now I'm in love with needle felting.  What a great way to use up small bits of roving or loosely spun wool!  Good to keep in mind when I eventually attempt my drop spindle and the products don't come out as expected.

So if you're ever in the area, I highly recommend heading over to Washington St to check out a Craft Night...or to just stand in the creative center of the Etsy world.

1 comment:

  1. That looks like a great time. One of these days I'll get myself out there to check it out.



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