The Boy and I have been watching (me re-watching) all the LOST seasons, hopefully finishing before the Feb 2nd final season premier. Now for those of you who don’t watch the show, it is crazy, addicting, confusing, detailed, interconnected, yadda yadda. LOST is not a show to just sit back and relax to. Which is why I should not be working on a complicated project while watching it, even though I’ve seen all the seasons already. It’s been so long since I’ve seen these episodes that I really have to pay attention to them. And then I mess up my knitting.
At two different times I realized some mistakes. First, almost at the end of our last episode of the other night and about to start round 4 of the sleeve’s ridged rib, I realized I never changed to my larger needles at round 2. Ok, no biggie. I’ll just change them now, I thought. I put it off until morning because the episode ended and it was definitely time for bed. Then the next morning I woke up nice and early in case I was called for subbing (I was not). I sat down to knit while I waited next to my phone, changed my needles to the size 6, and was made it about 5 sts into round 4 when I realized I never made the increases on round 2. Dammit. Dammit dammit dammit. Now this time I do have to rip it back. 2 rounds.
Normally this isn’t such a big deal to me. Pull needles out, tug yarn out to desired point in knitting. Nope. Not with double knitting. I’m too scared to do that here. With double knitting, the sts alternate A, B, A, B, A, B… on the needles. ”A” would be one sleeve (the one currently on the outside of the pair) and “B” would be the second sleeve (nestled inside “A”). So if I just start yanking needles and yarn, the sleeves pull away from each other and separate the sts. It’s all just a lot of work. So I had to literally unknit 2 rounds (really 4- 2 for each sleeve). All before 7:30 in the morning. Not fun whatsoever :o(
I fixed the sleeves and have gone a good amount of the way. I stopped because it got to be too much to put in my bag last week. I was lucky enough to sub every day last week. I was in the elementary school library so it was pretty easy going with a lot of time to knit between classes.
As for the rest of the sweater, what a mess! At last update, I had knit a ball’s worth of the body. I ripped it out this week because I was sure it was going to be too big. I CO again, but then later pulled it out after doing lots and lots of math to get the right st count to actually fit me. This pattern will definitely have a lot of mods by the end.
I also knit a swatch for the colorwork (currently MIA after all the back and forth of last week) and decided the green yarn I ordered is just no good. It blends too much with the grey when it’s knit so I’m going to order the other two greens
KnitPicks offers in
Merino Style. I have a plan for whatever isn’t used out of all three greens for some other time down the road.

I finally visited
Beads n’ Stitches! (Dragged The Boy with me of course!) That place is awesome. I’ll definitely be going back. I couldn’t find the colorwork swatch when I went so I had to pick beads based off just the main blue color. They’re purple 6mm round faceted so they’ll still match and won’t overly blend in. I bought extras, just in case, that I’ll use to make some of my first original stitch markers with the leftovers (another down the road project). They didn’t have any buttons there though so I’m still hunting for those. I did find 4 that I liked at Village Knitter this week…I’ll be going back soon to see if they can order more.
As for my favorite yarn shop, I finally got to visit the Knit Night at
Village Knitter again because I stayed at Dad’s house most of the week for subbing. I had so much fun as usual, but found out that the store was sold! Just that night Karen signed the store over to new owners Ann and Kathleen. I’ve heard good things about them, and so far a positive change they’re making is extending the daily hours. I hope we see more positive changes coming (aka no negative ones!). I will hopefully be visiting this week about the buttons so we’ll see the start of the changes.